• Utah’s Concrete, Excavation, Demolition and Hauling Specialists


Bobcat dozer pushing dirt in excavation
excavating backhoe digging in residential street with finished homes in background

Did you love playing in sandpile, in the beach sand and in the dirt when you were young? Well our team members haven’t grown out of that love. Now they still play in the dirt but do it with big toys and with the skills and experience to turn your excavation project into reality.

Excavating CAT backhoe sitting in dirt covered with light snow getting ready to excavate

We take our time and make sure that safety and quality is the number one priority on the job.  We are fast and leave no sign that we were there–well, except for the excavation work that was done.  In other words, we take pride in cleaning up after ourselves because we know you would do the same since it is your project.

Our goal is to deliver a service that exceeds your expectations. Give us a call at (801) 987-0471 and let’s discuss how we can take care of your excavation needs.